Saturday, February 26, 2011

Resisting Temptation (Matthew 4:11)

Jesus had been led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil.  The devil tempted him with three things: using his power to meet his own needs (by turning stones into bread); showing off his pedigree (by forcing God's hand); and power (by offering him the kingdoms of the world).  Jesus refused to compromise instead choosing God's plan and timing for his life.

Matthew 4:11 11 Then the devil left him, and suddenly angels came and waited on him.

Luke 4:13 13 When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time.

During each temptation, Jesus rebukes the devil by quoting ancient scripture: "Man shall not live by bread alone," "Do not tempt God," and "Worship God and him only."  Jesus was able to resist temptation, because he knew God's character and could make choices based on who he knew God to be. 

Often I hear people (including myself) say, "I don't know what God wants me to do."  This is usually because we aren't walking close enough to God to know who God is.  Knowing God's character informs how we make decisions.  For instance, through scripture I know that God offers us unconditional love and wants us to offer this love to others too.  So when I am faced with an incompetent customer service agent at my bank (true story!), then I am not to get angry, but show patience, kindness, and respect unconditionally.  Likewise, when I am faced with someone in need like the man who sleeps in our church's alley, I am not to base my care for him on whether I judge him to deserve my care, but I am to simply care (and not just with my heart, but with my actions). 

Jesus is able to resist temptation because he knows God's character and can make decisions based on what God would want him to do.  Followers of Jesus have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them - if they are open to following the Spirit's guidance, they can know God just as Jesus did.  They can study scripture and God will reveal himself this way too. They can also find God revealing himself through others who follow Jesus.

What decisions do you have before you today?  How will you get your needs met? How will you demonstrate your faith?  How will you seek power?  Walk close enough to God - through prayer, through scripture, through being in fellowship with other followers of Jesus - that you will know how God would have you live.

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