Friday, March 4, 2011

A New Name (John 1:42)

Recently my husband was introducing me before a tournament tennis match in which his game would determine the progress of his team.  I guess he was nervous and preoccupied, because oddly he introduced me as "Kate."  It was a strange feeling as people shook my hand and said, "Nice to meet you Kate."  I didn't exactly know what to say.  "My name is April," would require some explanation and I had none.  He has never called me Kate before.  It isn't my name.  He said he was looking at the team captain, whose name is Kate and because he was nervous...  well, he got confused.  :-)  It will take a long time for him to live this slip of the tongue down.  But being given a new name - well, this would take some adjustment. 

After meeting Simon, Jesus game him a new name...

John 1:42 42 (Andrew, Simon's brother) brought Simon to Jesus, who looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You are to be called Cephas" (which is translated Peter).

Matthew 16:18 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

Mark 3:16 16 So he appointed the twelve: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);

Luke 6:14 14 Simon, whom he named Peter...

God has this beautiful way of changing our names when he calls us to follow him.  In the Old Testament Abram (exalted) became Abraham (father of nations) and Sarai (argumentative) became Sarah (queen).  Jacob (deceiver) became Israel (wrestles with God).  In the new testament Simon (listener) becomes Peter (rock) and Saul (prayed for) becomes Paul (humble).  Old names are changed to names with eternal meanings.  Here Simon becomes Peter which means rock.  He will be the rock on which Jesus will build the church.

In the book of Acts (Chapter 11), the followers of Jesus are first called "Christians" or "Christ's ones." We take on the name of Christ... to represent Christ, to be his hands and feet.  I don't use the name "Christian" much in this blog because the name has often been misused to describe a religion run amok rather than a people who are dedicated to following Jesus. Maybe I should use "Christ's ones" instead.

In Revelation Chapter 2 and 3, God says he will give all who overcome, a new name.

What name might God give you?  The new names that God gives seem to always reflect the person's purpose in life.  What name might God give your child or spouse?  What might reflect the purpose God seems to have given them?

Live into being "Christ's ones."  Live into the purpose for which God has created you. 

In the coming stories of the gospel, we will see Peter struggle with living into his new name.  And we will see Jesus speak truth and grace to Peter's shortcomings giving him power to overcome.

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