Friday, June 24, 2011

The Lord's Prayer: Seek God's Way (Luke 11:2b) 4 of 8

Luke 11:2  Your kingdom come. 

Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God (which is the same as the Kingdom of Heaven) throughout his ministry.  It is a mysterious thing.  It is any where and any place and any time where God reigns.  It can be among us and in us.  It was present in Jesus - in his teachings, in his acts of compassion, in his miracles.  It is present in us - noticeable when we are the hands and feet of Jesus.

Some things it is not:  It is not where one goes when they die.  It is not an earthly government or political system.  It is not a democracy.  It is not a form of government.  It is a way of being where we give up ourselves to let God reign within us.  It is not a list of rules of rules to follow, theology to believe, or a list of good works to do.  It is God reign within us and around us.

Jesus teaches us to ask for God's Kingdom to be present in our lives right now - for God to reign over all that we do - over all that we are.

Where are all of the places that you can invite the Kingdom of God to be present in your life today?


The other gospels weigh in...

Matthew 6:10  10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

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