Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Is it Cheating? (Matt 5:27-28)

These verses come at an interesting time with Wiener-Gate upon us.  Yesterday, I listened on as a CNN anchor posed the question: "Did Representative Anthony Wiener technically cheat on his wife?"  He is a married man who met women over the internet and then sent raunchy photos to them.  He never had physical contact with these women... so was it really wrong?

Interesting that Jesus spoke into this situation more than 2000 years ago - before we had social media, internet, or computers.  Not much has really changed about us in 2000 years when you get down to the nitty-gritty of human relationships.

Matthew 5:27-28  27 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.'  28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

We learned in the last two posts that Jesus values human relationships.  They go hand in hand with our relationship to God.  The marriage relationship is no different.  You can't be in right relationship with God if you aren't in a right relationship with your spouse - one that completely and unselfishly loves and honors them.

In typical Jesus fashion, in these verses, he takes the marriage vows to a new level.  His standards are the ultimate high standards.  It isn't breaking the adultery rule that draws a line in the sand ... it is what goes on in our hearts - something that no one can measure.

So what was going on Wiener's heart?  Why was it so important to behave this way?  And he isn't alone.  Some studies say that there is a 50% chance that you and I have or will cheat on our spouses.  Some studies say that there is an even higher chance of infidelity if we identify as a Christian.  And these studies can't even begin to measure what goes on in the heart.

Jesus wants us to live in right relationships with others - not using others to satisfy our physical or emotional needs.   And being in right relationship with God and others begins (and ends) with what is in our hearts.  Good thing Jesus is in the business of transforming hearts and reconciling us to God and each other!  There is hope!

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