Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Lord's Prayer: In your words (8 of 8)

For a long while, I had a discipline every morning of praying the Lord's Prayer - but in my own words.  I would encourage you to try this!

First, I picked out a bound journal that I would enjoy writing in every morning.  This is was a very important step for me :-) because it gave me incentive to fill it up with prayers!  Standing at Barnes and Noble going through all the journals picking out just the right one (a leather one?  one that was bright and colorful?  the one with textured flowers all over it?  the one that was made from recycled paper?)  Hmmm... it seemed to be a holy activity!!  But you might want to write yours out in a private blog or in a Word Document on your PC.  You don't have to write them out at all, but writing them out has the benefit of returning to them and remembering what God has done.

Next I found a quiet place where I could take 5 minutes and write out my prayer every day.  My place became sitting at the piano and I stored the journal in the piano bench where it would be safe from prying eyes.

In the front of the journal, I wrote out the prayer in the stages we have just dissected in my last 6 posts.  I would use these stages to formulate my prayers:

  1. Our Father in heaven --Identifying the Relationship
  2. Hallowed be your name -- Offering praise to God.
  3. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven -- Seeking the way of Jesus
  4. Give us this day our daily bread  -- Asking for daily needs 
  5. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. -- Seeking forgiveness
  6. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. -- Seeking protection
Then I wrote a prayer each day... in my own words - based on what I was feeling and seeing and facing that day.  Nothing elegant.  Just words from my heart.  A typical prayer went like this:

(1) "Dear Father of all who loves everyone - you love those who love you back and those who do not. 
(2) You are not just loving, but you are love.  And you have expressed your love for me in ways that I can not fathom. You have given me a husband and children and friends and coworkers to love and be loved by.  I praise you for giving me purpose in life: to love!  
(3) I ask that this day will be spent living in the way of Jesus' truth and life.  I have read how Jesus's heart broke for those in need and pain.  May my heart be the same.  I have read how Jesus healed spiritual and physical issues and told his followers to do the same.  May Jesus work through me to heal where there is hurt and need today.  
(4)  Provide for my children at school this day - may their teachers use the time in the classroom wisely - especially Brent's science teacher.  May Brent grow by learning to deal with her and not by giving up when she is harsh with him.  Give me wisdom this day to deal with the meetings and decisions before me.  Please heal Sandra from the headaches that have been crippling to her.  
(5) Forgive me for my sins and help me to forgive others for their sins too.  Help me to deal with Tim (who has made mistakes which affect our release date) in a way that both offers forgiveness, but spurs him to do better.  Help me to deal with him in love and not un-forgiveness - give me wisdom if it is time to move him into a different job or continue to work with him in this one.  Forgive me for not being patient - for thinking with my own career in mind rather than thinking about his well being. 
(6)  Protect me from straying from your ways - protect me from putting myself before you - protect my family in the same way.  I trust you to lead me.  Amen.

Enjoy it if you decide to try it!  It is a wonderful way to grow closer to God.

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