Monday, July 25, 2011

The Four Woes: The Full (Luke 6:24-26)

Luke records Jesus speaking a different set of warnings.... this is the second...

Luke 6:24-26  "Woe to you who are full now, for you will be hungry."

Hunger is a spiritual issue - for those who are full.  One can't be right with God if they are full when others are starving.  It is not enough to be concerned with feeding ourselves, our own families, or other Americans.  We need to be feeding all the people that God created.  Burdensome responsibility.  But this is the responsibility of Jesus' followers.

In the United States, on a typical day, between 490,000 and 700,000 households (not individuals) go hungry because they can't afford to buy food.  The world produces enough food for every human being to eat 3,500 calories a day - far more than any individual needs.  The problem is that many people are too poor to buy the food that is available to them. This is true even in  countries where there is adjunct poverty - these countries often export food to those who can pay for it.  

Who needs to be fed in your community today?  How are you going to participate in ending hunger?  

These guys decided to help end hunger in their community by starting a garden for homeless vets in Asheville.  They are not only able to feed themselves, but they sell the left over produce to raise money for the center.

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